activities 30 to 36 months
- When playing with blocks or other objects, she should be able to understand the
concept of one. If she has 6 blocks and you ask her for one, she
should be able to hand you just one block.
- At this age, you should begin introducing your child to 'big' and 'little'. While
playing with him, have several different sizes of blocks and ask
him for a little one or a big one.
- Playing a simple memory game with your child is good at this age. She should be
able to remember two digits or letters. You say two numbers,
i.e. 2 and 5 and see if she can repeat them back.
- Your child should understand the use of objects. Ask him, "What do we use to comb
our hair?, drink our milk?, cut with?, etc.
- Other speech and language characteristics your child should exhibit:
- Uses two - three word combinations
- Repeats simple sentences
- Follows simple commands (Put the blocks in the box.)
- Should be articulating consonants more clearly (b, k, d, f, g, etc.)
Activity suggestions are courtesy of Laura Renfroe Christiensen,
a Speech Pathologist working with children from birth to 18 months
of age.