Poisonous House Plants

Common names

Botanical name
Codiaeum variegatum

Poisonous parts
Bark, roots, latex, leaves

Poisonous component

Chewing the bark and roots is said to cause burning of the mouth. The latex has caused eczema in some gardeners after repeated exposure to the latex (plant juices).

Crotons are tropical plants that love warmth and humidity. The best temperature range is 60-85 F In low humidity environments like those found in centrally cooled or heated homes and offices it's helpful to mist the leaves. Spraying the leaves with tepid water once a day is usually sufficient.

They do tolerate partial shade making them suitable as a house plant but bright light will promote the most colorful foliage. Protect from direct intense sunlight.  

Crotons require moist but well-drained soil and a regular water and fertilizer schedule should be maintained during active growth. Water moderately during the winter but don't let the soil dry out and protect from cold drafts. 



A dramatic plant, Crotons are very popular.

Toxicity Information
Courtesy of:
Derek B. Munro
Biological Resources Program
Eastern Cereal and Oilseed Research Centre

Poisonous House Plants
Air Cleaning House Plants

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