will I grow out of it?

Speech & Language Development - Milestones
Speech Delay - Warning Signs

Young mother and newborn


first 3 months of life

  • becomes startled at loud noises
  • is soothed by calm, gentle voices
  • likes to cuddle and enjoys being held
  • cries, gurgles, grunts, says "ah"
  • has strong muscles in cheeks and tongue



warning signs

  • shows no reaction to sound?

Don't let speech delay hold back your child's development. Detection of speech delay at any age can make learning to talk easier. If your child shows any of the warning signs listed for their age group, please contact the Speech-Language Pathologist at your Local Health Unit for more information.


  • While your baby is lying down call her name from the side. Continue saying her name until she turns her head towards the sound. Smile and congratulate her on a job well done. Repeat from the other side.
  • Take one of your baby's rattles or musical toys and place it on either side of him and see if he will turn to the sound. This helps them to learn to localize sound.
  • Speak in 'parentese' to your baby. This is the high pitched voice you use almost automatically when talking to your baby. Using 'parentese' communicates with him and encourages vocalizations from him. Also hold your baby near your face when you talk to him. He needs to be 8 to 10 inches from your face to be able to focus on you.
  • Talk to your baby about what you are doing while you do it. Use your 'parentese' voice and talk about the parts of her body while you bath her. e.g.. "This is baby's hand...baby likes to grab things with her hand", etc.

Activity suggestions are courtesy of Laura Renfroe Christiensen, a Speech Pathologist working with children from birth to 18 months of age.

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